The dedication expresses my gratitude to
a number of the scientists and nonscientists who have informally shaped
my mental image of who I am writing for.
I have profited from many
scientific discussions over the last several years as I thought through
this up-from-the-apes book and would like to thank Leslie Aiello,
Francisco Ayala, Paul Bahn, Liz Bates, Ursula Bellugi, Robert Bergman,
Derek Bickerton, Sue Blackmore, Tom Bouchard, Luca Cavilli-Sforza, Ron
Clarke, Meg Conkey, Tony Damasio, Roy D’Andrade, Iain Davidson, Richard
Dawkins, Terry Deacon, Dan Dennett, Derek Denton, Ingrith Deyrup-Olsen,
Robin Dunbar, Brian Fagan, Dean Falk, Tec Fitch,
Pascal Gagneux,
Clive Gamble, Susan Goldin-Meadow, the
late Stephen Jay Gould, Katherine Graubard, Stevan Harnad, Bill Hopkins,
Sarah Hrdy, Arthur Jensen, Don Johanson, Judy Kegl,
Ken Kidd, Richard Klein, Mel Konner, Pat
Kuhl, Kathleen Kuman, Louise Leakey, Meave Leakey, Philip Lieberman,
John Loeser, Elizabeth Loftus, Linda Marchant, Alex Marshack, Sally
McBrearty, Bill McGrew, Marvin Minsky, Jim Moore, George Ojemann,
Maynard Olson, Gordon Orians, Steve Pinker, Todd Preuss, Robert Proctor,
Sonia Ragir, Rama Ramachandran,
Pete Richerson, Susan Rifkin, Giaccomo Rizzolatti, Peter Rockas, Duane
Rumbaugh, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Oliver Sacks,
Michael Shermer, Margaret Schoeninger,
Ann Senghas, Pat Shipman, Richard Stuart, Greg Stock, Mark Sullivan, Ian
Tattersall, Phillip Tobias, Michael Tomasello,
Gary Tucker, Ajit Varki, Johan Verhulst, Frans de Waal, Alan Walker,
Spencer Wells, Nancy Wilkie, Chris Wills, Edward O. Wilson, David Sloan
Wilson, Milford Wolpoff, Bernard Wood, and Richard Wrangham. The last
chapter profits from futuristic discussions with Greg Bear, Stewart
Brand, David Brin, Bob Citron, Joel Garreau,
Wally Gilbert,
Walter Kistler, Jaron Lanier, Andy
Marshall, the late Don Michael, Jay Ogilvy, George Poste,
Peter Schwartz, and Sesh Velamoor.
The reader can thank (as
I do) Beatrice Bruteau, Ingrith Deyrup-Olsen, the late Blanche Graubard,
the late Seymour Graubard, Elizabeth Loftus, Susan Rifkin, Peter Rockas, and Nancy Wilkie for
volunteering to read the manuscript and pointing out my confusions and
awkward moments. I hope that not too many have crept back in. The
Mathers Foundation and the Whiteley Center at Friday Harbor Laboratories
have helped provide the right combinations of stimulation and seclusion.
W. H. C.
Friday Harbor and
Seattle, Washington USA